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copyright home : photography : reproduce d70

Reproduction Info

Photographic Works

All published photographs are available in hi-res. Photos are captured digitally and range from 3 to 30 megapixels of actual resolution. Original hi-res photos are available for purchase. Purchased photos entitle you to a hi-res copy of the photo with full priviliges to reproduce for any legal purpose as granted under The Copyright Act. As a copyright licensee, you agree to furnish us with a copy of any derivative works that include our copyrighted work (ex. book, magazine, etc). Purchased hi-res copies will not bear a visible copyright notice and purchasor is responsible for noting the copyright information as required by The Copyright Act.

Most photos on the web sites are limited to thumbnail and 800 pixel screen resolution versions. Most photos on the sites also bear copyright notices in the forms of image metadata, visible watermarks, and invisible watermarks. Unfortunately, these measures are necessary to reduce copyright infringement.

Fair Use

Copyright law grants certain individuals (typically educators) provisions for reproduction of certain copyrighted works for the purposes of education. If you are sure you fall under the legal fair-use protection provisions of The Copyright Act, then feel free to use the medium (screen) resolution photos that are currently availble on the web sites. If you want hi-res copies, your request should include a detailed explanation of why your use deserves our support.

Not-For-Profit Use

If you want to use our work for non-profit activities, explain the circumstanstances and there's a good chance that we'll honor your request.

Purchasing A Photograph

To purchase a hi-res photograph, click the PayPal button below. In the description field, Be sure to include the exact url of the photo, a brief description of the photo, the Personal/Business contact information (legal name, phone, address) of the copyright licensee, and the intended use of the photo. Current pricing is $50 per photo.

Last modified on 5/10/05.